Monday, September 16, 2019

Can You Donate A Car That Needs Repairs

Donate Your Old Car
‘’Yes’’, you can donate your non-running cars to Cars For Christ. Normally, donors are not charged anything on towing services and the car is perfectly handled.

Cars That Cannot Be Donated 

Cars that cannot be donated include the ones missing the engine, transmission, or if they are missing the wheels and tires. Such cars normally cost a lot to repair and their resale value may not be rewarding. If you have questions that you need clarification on concerning your car, always reach call the charity company.

Get a Tax Deduction 

Cars For Christ
Even if your car is not running, you can still get a tax deduction if you donate it. Why should you pay tax for something that you are not using yet you can donate it? You will receive a car donation reference number that you will be able to use to claim your tax deduction. Donate your car to Cars For Christ and make a difference in someone’s life.

Conclusion ‘

Being a Christian organization, the aim is to make sure we spread the word of God while impacting lives. Donors can be part of these programs by donating cars, trucks, and MPVs that are not in use.

Read more about how to donate a car that needs repairs at They have helpful details that will help you understand the whole process. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

How to donate your old car to charity?

Donating cars to a charity organization is a better option than junking it. The donation of the old car is beneficial for yourself and also serves the purpose of social service. In return, you get the tax deduction while the charity may either donate a car to needy people in specified categories or sell and spend funds for multiple social service outreaches.

Donate car online

It has now become easier to donate your old car. It is simply done in 4 steps.

Find out online wizards such as vehicle donation Atlanta accepting car donations.
Fill out the required details on the form.
Schedule the appropriate date for pickup by vehicle donation Atlanta.
You’ll receive the certificate indicating sale price within 30 days of selling from a charity.
Things to keep in mind

While donating your old car to vehicle donation Georgia you have to make sure that the charity organization is duly listed by the federal government as 501(c)(3) or a religious institution.
These organizations ensure to raise the maximum funds from the donated vehicle so that this contribution makes the most impact for the betterment of society.
Select the best available and efficient charity organization which can properly utilize the donations.

Cars for Christ has listed vehicle donation Georgia charity organization and an evangelistic ministry, which is committed to the work of Lord

Monday, August 5, 2019

Guide to Donating Your Car

Donate your old car
It has been considered the best way to make yourself free of selling or junking your old car or any other vehicle, to just donate your old car to a charity organization. This has at least two more advantages in return, someone gets to benefit from the car you donated in multiple possible ways while you get a reduction in your tax burden. Many people do not wish to get a tax deduction in return and they are not cautious about what happens with the donated car at the hands of the charity organization.

Best way to find out or select charity organization to donate your old car

It sometimes becomes your responsibility to deliver your donations and charity to right people or organization so that to make sure the maximum benefit of the donations is taken while there is no risk involved at the hands of charity agency.

Make short and simple research before planning to donate your old car.

Any donations to a charitable organization which does not have non-profit status will not result in a tax deduction.

Vehicle donation Atlanta Select efficient and sincere charity which has maximum utilization of the donations and charity vehicle donation Atlanta.

It should be ensured to get a receipt for the vehicle and then a document certifying the amount received after selling a car within 30 days of selling the car.

If the car is in running condition, drive it to reach yourself to charity and hand you’re yourself. It saves money and ensures you gave it to concerned people. 

Take pictures of the car and keep receipts for work and repairs are done on it — particularly if you’re claiming a deduction for it.

Cars for Christ is vehicle donation Atlanta and an evangelistic and discipleship ministry committed to the LORD's work.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Car donation myths, busted! (Part 1)

Donate your old car
Should I donate my car to charity? Perhaps this question has already crossed your mind. A lot of individuals refrain from donating cars due to numerous myths revolving around it. To offer more clarity related to this generous cause, we have attempted to debunk common myths on vehicle donation in Atlanta. We have divided this topic into two blog posts. The next part of this topic will also be posted soon.

Myth: Donating a car is challenging

Fact: Some individuals avoid it simply because they feel it is difficult. In reality, the process is extremely simple. You just fill out an online form on the organization’s portal. The organization contacts you and decides the time and other details for picking up the vehicle. The donor receives the receipt via mail or in-person to be used for redemption of tax benefits. See, the process is extremely straightforward.

Donate car to charity
Myth: Most vehicles aren’t accepted by charities

Most charities accept all sorts of vehicles, including cars, bikes, trucks, motor homes, boats, and even airplanes. The condition of the vehicle also doesn’t matter to most of the organizations. They accept cars even if they aren’t in working condition.

Myth: The benefits to society are almost negligible

If you donate your car to Cars For Christ, be sure that you are contributing to society at various levels. First, the youth responsible for fixing the vehicle acquires skills needed for employment. Second, the proceeds from selling the car are used for buying food, clothes, and other essentials for lower-income families. Cars For Christ also donates the Holy Bible.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Donating your car can be economically beneficial, too!


It is a common misconception you only lose money when you donate your old car. First of all, you are doing something good for someone. So, it is okay to not think from the financial point of view. If you want to know how it is economically beneficial, this blog post is for you.

 Let’s first put our focus on expenditures associated with an old car. You have to pay for its repair and maintenance. It also occupies unnecessary space in your garage. As an owner, you might be already paying for its insurance. Save yourself from these spending by donating your car. And as the old adage goes: money saved is money earned.

When donating your car to a tax exempt organization, you can enjoy tax write off. This is something a lot of car owners aren’t aware of. The organization you are donating the car to provide a receipt that you can attach when filing for your income tax in the next year. The exemption will be on the basis of the fair market value of your car if they give it to the poor on the amount of their net proceeds of a sale.

These factors show that car donation is not a poor choice, financially or otherwise. If you are searching organizations for vehicle donation in Atlanta, trust Cars for Christ. They use the proceeds from selling old car for food, clothes, Bible, and other essential stuff for the needy. Read more about this ministry and their works from here: Clarify all your car donation-related queries through this number: 770-784-9999. 

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Giving back makes you a happier person

All of us believe in giving back to the society in one way or another. Some prefer donating money, whereas others feel more satisfied by doing volunteer work.

Whatever may be the mode, the giving always makes you feel happier. The frustrations and stress of daily routine vanish away when you do something for someone else. This ensures you remain mentally healthy.

Talking about its social impact, when people realize that a lot of individuals like you are involved in philanthropic activities, they are also motivated to do so. This creates a sort of ripple effect. As a result, a community of givers is formed with positivity and harmony at its core.

There are numerous verses in the Bible that talk about charity.
Some of these include:

Acts 20:35

In all things, I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Proverbs 19:17

Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.

Luke 12:33

Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys.

At Cars for Christ, we also encourage the givers to donate their cars to God’s work. Learn more about this initiative from here: