Thursday, April 18, 2019

Car donation myths, busted! (Part 1)

Donate your old car
Should I donate my car to charity? Perhaps this question has already crossed your mind. A lot of individuals refrain from donating cars due to numerous myths revolving around it. To offer more clarity related to this generous cause, we have attempted to debunk common myths on vehicle donation in Atlanta. We have divided this topic into two blog posts. The next part of this topic will also be posted soon.

Myth: Donating a car is challenging

Fact: Some individuals avoid it simply because they feel it is difficult. In reality, the process is extremely simple. You just fill out an online form on the organization’s portal. The organization contacts you and decides the time and other details for picking up the vehicle. The donor receives the receipt via mail or in-person to be used for redemption of tax benefits. See, the process is extremely straightforward.

Donate car to charity
Myth: Most vehicles aren’t accepted by charities

Most charities accept all sorts of vehicles, including cars, bikes, trucks, motor homes, boats, and even airplanes. The condition of the vehicle also doesn’t matter to most of the organizations. They accept cars even if they aren’t in working condition.

Myth: The benefits to society are almost negligible

If you donate your car to Cars For Christ, be sure that you are contributing to society at various levels. First, the youth responsible for fixing the vehicle acquires skills needed for employment. Second, the proceeds from selling the car are used for buying food, clothes, and other essentials for lower-income families. Cars For Christ also donates the Holy Bible.