Tuesday, August 6, 2019

How to donate your old car to charity?

Donating cars to a charity organization is a better option than junking it. The donation of the old car is beneficial for yourself and also serves the purpose of social service. In return, you get the tax deduction while the charity may either donate a car to needy people in specified categories or sell and spend funds for multiple social service outreaches.

Donate car online

It has now become easier to donate your old car. It is simply done in 4 steps.

Find out online wizards such as vehicle donation Atlanta accepting car donations.
Fill out the required details on the form.
Schedule the appropriate date for pickup by vehicle donation Atlanta.
You’ll receive the certificate indicating sale price within 30 days of selling from a charity.
Things to keep in mind

While donating your old car to vehicle donation Georgia you have to make sure that the charity organization is duly listed by the federal government as 501(c)(3) or a religious institution.
These organizations ensure to raise the maximum funds from the donated vehicle so that this contribution makes the most impact for the betterment of society.
Select the best available and efficient charity organization which can properly utilize the donations.

Cars for Christ has listed vehicle donation Georgia charity organization and an evangelistic ministry, which is committed to the work of Lord

Monday, August 5, 2019

Guide to Donating Your Car

Donate your old car
It has been considered the best way to make yourself free of selling or junking your old car or any other vehicle, to just donate your old car to a charity organization. This has at least two more advantages in return, someone gets to benefit from the car you donated in multiple possible ways while you get a reduction in your tax burden. Many people do not wish to get a tax deduction in return and they are not cautious about what happens with the donated car at the hands of the charity organization.

Best way to find out or select charity organization to donate your old car

It sometimes becomes your responsibility to deliver your donations and charity to right people or organization so that to make sure the maximum benefit of the donations is taken while there is no risk involved at the hands of charity agency.

Make short and simple research before planning to donate your old car.

Any donations to a charitable organization which does not have non-profit status will not result in a tax deduction.

Vehicle donation Atlanta Select efficient and sincere charity which has maximum utilization of the donations and charity vehicle donation Atlanta.

It should be ensured to get a receipt for the vehicle and then a document certifying the amount received after selling a car within 30 days of selling the car.

If the car is in running condition, drive it to reach yourself to charity and hand you’re yourself. It saves money and ensures you gave it to concerned people. 

Take pictures of the car and keep receipts for work and repairs are done on it — particularly if you’re claiming a deduction for it.

Cars for Christ is vehicle donation Atlanta and an evangelistic and discipleship ministry committed to the LORD's work.